Graduate Affairs
Graduate Affairs
This management performs the following duties in the sections of reviewing graduates' documents and confirming their graduation:
Arranging weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual work plans in accordance with the work plan of the Student Affairs Office to achieve the intended goals.
Advancing administrative affairs after receiving guidance from the relevant director for timely and better execution of work affairs.
Submission of the book of graduates of the faculties.
Preparation and during the process of obtaining diplomas and transcripts in national and English languages for graduates.
Arranging and arranging all the relevant documents for the graduates in order to separate the faculties in order to maintain it properly.
Evaluation through the steps of student job search forms in order to provide information to the relevant authorities.
Registering and executing the subject of students' completed dissertations in order to apply it to the graduate book.
Arranging graduate books and communicating with graduates.
Execution of other duties related to the duty entrusted by the relevant director.

No Faculty Period Male Female Total
01 Economic 1 - 21 1069 147 1216
02 Computer Science 1 - 21 443 36 479
03 law & Political Science 1 - 13 419 99 518
04 Journalism 1 - 8 50 17 67
05 Civil Engineering 1 - 17 710 36 746
06 Master of Business Administration 1 - 10 649 55 704
07 Master of Computer Science 1 - 9 187 11 198
Total 3527 401 3928