Master of Computer Science

The MS in Computer Science program aims to develop professionals who are equipped with skills to cope with the diverse and ever changing field of CS. The program provides students with a solid theoretical foundation along with knowledge of latest trends in specialized areas. The two-year MS Program provides rigorous training that not only provides a reliable understanding of systems, processes and technologies but also equips them with the ability to design new and imaginative solutions to problems. The MS in Computer Science program at Bakhtar University is 48 credit hours degree program that is composed of 4 core subjects and 9 specialized subjects in the area of Software Engineering and Computer Networks. The core and specialized elective subjects are covered in first two semesters and further in last two semesters student has to finish and complete his thesis along with one international publication.
Our ambition is to "Advance the Frontiers of Technology" The integral academic departments in the Computer Science Faculty aspire to be regionally and transnationally high-ranking centers of excellence in the teaching, innovation and research of technological subjects.
Our Focus is to "Providing Excellent Teaching and Perform Quality Research on Technology" In chase of our vision, the Computer Science Faculty provides quality education at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, so as to produce high-caliber graduates and Technology specialists who will play leading roles in their chosen careers, professions and academia.

Program Objectives
A challenging graduate program may be structured based on the classical objective, which is preparing the students to study at a doctoral level. This remains an essential aspect of such programs. Still, it is believed that all programs should prepare the student for study beyond the master’s level. Many people already in the field desire additional training in Computer Science. These individuals may have undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and desire to advance. They may have considerable experience in Computer Science but little formal education in the field. While this latter group should be declining in number as more undergraduate Computer Science majors enter the job market, the demand does exist. It will continue to do so soon. Besides, there will be a continuing need for individuals with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science to update their training. Among the objectives for students in master’s programs is an entry into the Computer Science field at a relatively high level of responsibility and expertise. Computer Science is such a new and rapidly expanding field that individuals entering a master’s degree in this field will almost immediately move to positions with great responsibility. This, in turn, implies the requirement for an advanced level of prior training in both technical and related areas (e.g., communication skills). In all these cases, the master’s degree provides both motivation for the student and a standard for reward by the employer.
Program Structure
The graduate program should embody sufficient flexibility to fulfill the requirements of either an “academic” degree obtained in preparation for further graduate study or a terminal “professional” degree. The discipline of Computer Science has matured enough that the distinction between academic and professional programs is beginning to appear. All Computer Science educational programs should provide the possibility of additional study in the field. The proposed program is intended to establish an integrated breadth and depth-based curriculum model to assure that the common aspects of various potential masters’ programs in Computer Science are captured. The proposed curriculum structure may be implemented within four-semester time. A project/thesis work may be unified with student’s chosen depth-oriented specialties. Generally, graduate programs are structured with a common core of fundamental material and a wide range of options for the rest of the course work.
Advanced Design of Algorithms
Advanced Network Modelling and Simulation
Advanced Computer Programming
Advanced Software Requirement Engineering
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