THE Ranking was incepted in year 2019 which enables global universities all around the world to be the part of a prominent UN Ranking for sustainability which contents 17 rankings feasible worldwide, therefore educational institutes can apply for this vital ranking. THE (Time higher education) also each year rank immense number of universities around the globe and those are universities which can fulfill the criteria of THE. Hence THE at the here and now becomes curiously for all the university oversea. And the main motive behind this is to measure the progress of universities on each Tables of SDG. So applying for THE will gave your university affirmative perspective around the universe, if you came in rank. So date of data along with their details uploading for THE commences in October and suppress in December each year and its result declares in April.
Bakhtar University is pioneer private university in Afghanistan which founded in year 2005 .Since its establishment BU has been utilizing full of its effort in providing high quality education with modern technology to its pupils therefore it did and does as consequence it becomes competent university among its competitors . And also for obtaining more creditability among its disciples (students) BU University applied for THE ranking in year 2020 as consequence at initial attempt BU appeared for THE Ranking for No-Poverty and quality education, gender equality. After got positive result BU, it was significant achievement for BU and BU’s family, thus we are determined and hopeful to have more achievements similarly in future in THE.
Implementation process of the Corona vaccine for Bakhtar University students
پوهنځی انجنیری پوهنتون باختر بهمنظور تطبیق اهداف توسعهی پایدار (SDG) سمینار علمی Climate Action را در تالار کنفرانس پوهنتون باختر برگزار کرد.
در نخست انجنیر عزت الله ستارزاده سرپرست ریاست پوهنځی انجنیری پوهنتون باختر، برگزاری چنین سمینارهای علمی را برای بلندبردن ظرفیت تحصیلی محصلان موثر خوانده و همچنان اضافه کرد که در آینده نیز برگزاری سمینار های علمی را در نظر دارد.
در این سمینار استاد انجنیر نصیر شریفی در مورد Climate Action معلومات کلی ارایه کرد. او در بارهی تغییرات که قرار است در آینده رخ بدهد، نقش مثبت و منفی انسانها در تغییر اقلیم و همچنان دربارهی مسوولیتهای همه افرار جامعه در قبال Climate Action صحبت کرد.
در ختم سمینار به سوالات محصلان پاسخ ارایه شد. محصلان از برگزاری چنین سمینارها در شرایط فعلی استقبال کردند و آنرا به جامعهی تحصیلی سودمند عنوان کردند.
As a part of BU’s Vision to comply with international academic research standards, the academic staff from different disciplines of BU participated in two-day international webinar on Technical Writing & Document Preparation using LaTeX Software on 5th July 2021. It’s worth mentioning that the Webinar was organized by A2Z EduLearningHub.
According to the professors who participated in the Webinar, expressed their satisfaction with the grandness of the seminar and its importance in writing and referencing academic papers.
The Following Topics were discussed in the Webinar:
1. History and Why LaTeX
2. Basics of LaTeX
a. Writing LaTeX Code
b. Basic Formatting
3. Mathematics or Formula typing
4. Figures and Tables
5. Cross-references
6. Bibliography using BibTeX
7. Presentation using Beamer
The professors are expecting such crucial webinars more often in the future.
نشست جهانی تاثیرگذاران شبکههای اجتماعی برای توسعهی اهداف پایدار (بینالمللی)
این کنفرانس آنلاین برای حمایت از کمک های بشردوستانه و ارتقاع کارکرد ملل متحد در دستیابی به اهداف توسعه پایدار سازمان ملل (17 SDG) به روز شنبه با میزبانی Connect AID (شبکه بین المللی همبستگی) برگزار شد.
در این نشست استادان پوهنځی ژورنالیزم و اقتصاد پوهنتون باختر بهمنظور آگاهی بیشتر و سهمگیری در تطبیق بهتر اهداف پایدار ملل متحد، اشتراک کردند